Sunday, February 13, 2011

And then, of course, his guitar exploded.

I apologize for never writing. And though I should technically be cleaning my room at the moment, or studying for a biology test that revolves around a topic that flew over my head and I must re-learn, I am in a very bloggy mood, and thus must write. 

I decided I would add pictures in my upcoming blog (Very Hyperbole and a half, no?) but not today, because my laptop does not have a paint feature. But next week, thou WILT see pictures (Hopefully).

I just want to write on account of a single person who inhabits my new school whom we shall call "Peter". Peter was very welcoming in the beginning of the year. Though belonging to a very "Holier than Thou" group, he was in all of my classes (except for second period, in which I had art and he had music) and though we weren't buddy-buddy, there was no tension between us. 

I do admit that, at that time, I did have a crush on him, or some type of hormone-out-o'-wack seizure thing that caused heart palpitations sometimes. I am proud to admit that I soon got over this (in about a month or so after meeting him) when his, for lack of a better word, "Douche-baggy" personality and arrogant manner took a front seat to his physical features.

Wait. Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah.


It appeared suddenly, after New Years, that he would avoid talking to me despite classes with one another, and would sit far away from me during such classes (which didn't really bother me. I don't appreciate close contact with males) and though this sudden burst of cold-shoulder weirded me out in the beginning, I didn't care, because, I mean, Why should I? I wasn't about to be bothered and freak out and burst into tears because some student in my grade had stopped interacting with me. If anything, I appreciated it. Less contact=less stress about worrying over whether I was slipping over the boundaries of modesty between opposite genders. No problemo. He had just made my life a whole lot easier.

Until he implied that I sniffed paint.

Okay, Clarification will be needed. Peter, a group of friends also belonging to the same class and I were waiting for our English teacher to arrive.
(The following conversation's inhabitants' names have all been changed, and "Loony" refers to me)

Rachel: Hm, I wonder where Mr. C is.
Peter: Yeah, I thought he lived in this room! *laughter*
Emily: Yeah, well I don't see what's wrong with that. I live in the orchestra room, ya know?*Laughter*
Loony: If anyone needs me, I sleep in the art room :D (I am known for spending all my free time there)
Rachel: *elbows me* Yeah, inhaling all the paint fumes, that explains a lot! *Laughs and I laugh along, because I know she's not being serious*
Peter: *completely serious* Thank you, Rachel, for saying out loud what we were all thinking. 
*everyone becomes silent as the awkward atmosphere settles*
Loony: ... *cough*

Now, I must admit that though I knew at the time that this was a diss at me of some sort, I hadn't really paid any attention to it. It was more of a "Oh, haha Peter. You think you're so effing brilliant" thought that went through my mind.

It wasn't until later that it occurred to me that he had somewhat questioned the effectiveness of my brain, as well as my mental sanity and that I inhaled paint intentionally.

And yes, I just did make a joke about that. Because there's only so much paint you can get in contact with before you just breathe it in XD

Which, as you all know, shouldn't have bothered me as much (I'm known as "Loony", for Zeus' sake) but it was in such a rude manner, a serious tone, and the way he emphasized "we were all" that bothered me.

Well, not bothered, because honestly, I don't care. He's just some kid, right? And If I'm bothered by every rude remark that someone tosses at me, then I'll go ballistic and start murdering snowmen by the time I'm 30. 

It's more of a "Why?"
And not a "Fall on your knees as you sob and scream to the heavens 'WHYYY?!?!?!?!?'"

Merely a "Why? What did I ever do to you?"

And yes, I am over-exaggerating this occurrence, but I am just looking for some answers.

So, do any of you have an idea as to why Peter would say something like this? Or do you want to just say something that occurred in your life that you would like to share? Or would you merely want to discuss the eating habits of Red Ants? Leave Thine comments in the commenter section below :D
