The picture was wearing away.
The corners of it were starting to gray and chip, the picture had scratches that didn't belong. The sepia tones were slowly fading. Soon, there would be nothing left except for a blank sheet of shiny paper and some gray splotches where his tears landed. But they would fade eventually.
He didn't want to upset her.
He was kissing her in the picture. Young and dashing, with his black hair and clean shaven face, he kissed her while his lips formed a faint smile half in amusement, half in bitter sweet happiness that melted his heart and burned his stomach. Blazing butterflies? Inferno Butterflies. Perhaps rhinos on fire.
He chuckled softly. Fire-y rhinos. She would get a kick out of that.
And HER. She was simply beautiful. Her loose blond hair stumbled over her shoulders and tickled his jaw. Her face was smooth and soft and felt like silk between his fingers. Her eyes were open, and despite not being able to see the color of her eyes (grAy, not grEy. The color of thunder clouds and silver and sweet-bell chime laughter that still rang in his ears) you could tell she was studying him with rapt interest.
He has asked her about it, once. Why her eyes were open, and for God's SAKE why are you looking at me like that was there something on my nose or-
And then she'd laugh her sweet bell laughter and kiss him softly on the nose.
"You big dope. I was wondering how I'd fallen in love with someone like you."
And he'd dutifully ask "Why?"
"Does there need to be a reason?"
"I'd like to know."
And she'd stare at him again, studying with her sharp focus. intelligent eyes, and smile. He melted his heart, you know. Broke it to bits and kissed it back together again. Bandaids one wounds to make the pain go away.
"You make me happy."
He looked up from the photo sharply. Zeus, his memory was going off again. He hated it. Hated being old. Hated being foul. Hated being-
He stopped.
And cleared his throat, pushing away everything from his mind. Not now. Not in front of her.
He clutched his cane tightly, bony knuckles turning white. They stood out sharply against the dark and smooth roundness of the cane. Scarred white against deep black. White+Black= Grey, he thought absent mindedly.
He looked upwards into the open sky. Rain. Thunder clouds. Deep rumbling that scared children and brought people close under old blankets, sharing stories and drinking hot tea.
He bent down slowly, creakingly, as only an old man does, and lightly set the picture against the cool hard tombstone, next to a single yellow flower.
Dark spots begin to appear on the stone. Rain.
He began to get up, slowly but surely, leaning against the cane
His bones creak, and the rain began to pour harder. It soaks his hair and clothes and makes him a million pounds heavier and darkens everything and makes everything harder and-
It hurts.
"I love you."
He's glad it's raining.
No one ever comes to a cemetery when it rains. No one ever catches an old man crying so hard and clutching the cane as if it will protect him and repeating "I love you I love you I love you" over and over and over as if it will stop him from feeling like this.
No one ever comes when it's Gray.
*exhales deeply* Well. That was cheesy.
I'm regretting making the guy an old guy. It makes it seem worse. Do me a favor, and make him like, 30-45 or something. Or keep him as an old man, if you want.
Based on this comic: http://browse.deviantart.com/cartoons/?q=Three#/d2mdp27